Code Arena




Web 3.0/Blockchain

Web / App Development



Web/App Development: Problem statements will be provided by the organizers.

Healthcare: Participants can choose their own problem statements within the healthcare domain (Open Theme).

IOT: Participants can choose their own problem statements within the IOT domain (Open Theme).


Start Registrations 1st June 2024
End Registrations 1st July 2024
Opening Ceremony 13th July 2024

Hackathon opening ceremony will start 9:15 AM onwards.

Hackathon Starts 13th July 2024

Hackathon coding period will start from 9:30 AM onwards.

Session from GeeksforGeeks 13th July 2024

Initial round of mentoring from 3:00 PM.

Commencement of the 1st Day 13th July 2024

Participants can begin their online coding session.
#Participants are requested to leave the campus after 6:00pm and come back to the venue @9:30am on day 2 #
Note: No accommodation will be provided by the organizers

Offline Coding Starts for Day 2 14th July 2024

Offline coding can begin from 9:30 AM.

Final Round of Mentoring 14th July 2024

Final round of mentoring will start at 11:30 AM.

Hackathon Ends 14th July 2024

Hackathon coding period will end on 3:00 PM.


Who can participate?

The hackathon is open for Students from all over India. It is the right place for anyone who's interested in learning and innovating with their ideas.


How much will it cost?

Participation cost is 150 per individual


How can I apply?

The registration would be simply done by just clicking the register button on this website
Registrations end on 5th July 2024


What if I don't know how to code?

No worries, Interest in learning and working with technology is much more important than your current experience level.


What are the prizes to be won?

We are going to announce some really exciting prizes and incentives soon. Stay tuned for further updates!


Can we apply as a team?

Yes! You can form teams of 3-4 people. Most teams aim to have a mix of people with both design and development skills.